Wednesday, January 25, 2017

All of the unrest in the world is leaving me with a burning question: Is brown lipstick coming back into style?

I realize this may seem vapid, but seriously, was it not bad enough the first time?

Also, we got a box set of King of Queens and it's making me remember the horribleness of the brown lipstick. Why would we repeat something like that? Why not just all buy mom jeans and, then, hairspray up and tease those bangs while we're at it? No?


It doesn't flatter anyone. Nope. It's matte and cakey looking and it makes wearers look like goth's older, dumpier sister who doesn't have a date for the prom but doesn't mind because she'll be spending the evening in with her scrapbooks and ninety-seven cats, watching a Hallmark movie marathon. In a t-shirt tucked into a high-waisted pair of Z Cavariccis. 

For the love of Mike, stop. Please.

This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by a teenage girl I saw yesterday outside the grocery store.

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