On the upside, Mom's doing great. Working back to normal (whatever that is), getting all that nasty, albeit life-saving, chemo out of her system, and trying to plan fun stuff for the future. That's awesome.
Remodeling is done on the house, and now we just have little weekend-sized projects to accomplish whenever we can, so that's a lot less pressure.
Starting a new job next week, in addition to to all the old jobs. That'll be fun.
But, despite all of that, there are still hurdles and life is a lot less funny than it used to be. No resolutions of any kind this year, because I think I can fail enough without any extra expectations, thankyouverymuch.
I'll work on being more optimistic.
Not today, though.
Maybe tomorrow.
Come on, 2017. Let's try not to suck so bad, shall we?
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