Monday, December 2, 2013

Well, the performance I was stressing out about for the last month happened last night. It went…okay. I suppose I am going to have to accept that certain things are just going to be harder now, but I still don't like it. For me, a good performance can include mess-ups, but when there's a problem that's out of my control, it bothers me, so I worry at it, and then it becomes a major issue. Thus, the massive jaw lock. Which, once started, I can't relax for at least a few minutes. Lame.

However, my husband did buy me two magnificent pink doughnuts for my breakfast, which helps a lot. Did I mention he also bought me a pair of shoes? Because, heck yes, he did. He's pretty good at cheering me up.

This morning starts off Hell Week, wherein I will be doing three jobs at the office instead of just the regular two. Which is lame, but I will get a bigger paycheck, which is most definitely not lame, especially at Christmastime. 

Fortunately, because of Thanksgiving, I had four days off in which I was able to do a lot of the things on my extremely large, ongoing to-do list. I got a batch of caramel apple jam made, made my Christmas cookies and some for my Mom, cleaned my house, put up my tree, did my laundry and finished crocheting a scarf. And had two rehearsals and a performance. Oh, and I exercised EVERY SINGLE DAY but one and I had a couple of days of incredibly good practice, which proved that it is possible for me to sing without the jaw lock. It's just really hard and takes a lot of effort and is not something I can do every single time. Yet.

I didn't really sleep too much, but we did watch the first Christmas movie of the season AND we watched The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (yeah, we like westerns…deal).

So, it was a good Thanksgiving weekend. Now to get Hell Week over with, so I can move on to more fun things. Like another performance. 

I thrive on stress. This disturbs me, but not enough to do anything about it. I'm going to channel my inner Dwight Schrute.

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