Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I've decided that, this year, I'm going to turn all of those Christmas songs I hate into a fun game wherein you can either win glory or one of those arm burn things you used to get when you were a kid. Or maybe that was just me. Really, though, I just want to see if I can find a game I can win, since the, "Nope. Still Johnny Mathis." game is killing me this year (the minute you hear a song that is being sung by Johnny Mathis, you have to be the first person to say that phrase, although that game has no penalty, so it's less interesting).

Anyway, the rules are pretty simple, even though I've only gotten around to figuring out two artist/phrase combinations; still, I think they're pretty fun. If you hear a Josh Groban Christmas song, you have to yell out, "Hells Yeah!" Doesn't matter where you are, you have to do it. If you hear a Celine Dion Christmas song, you have to yell out, "Yeaaaahhhh, boyeeeeee!" (like Flava Flav). Again, doesn't matter where you are. If you're with a friend and one of you neglects to say the right thing when the right person is singing, you get an arm burn (basically, the other person takes your arm in both hands and sort of wrings it out, like a towel…sounds super fun, doesn't it?).

The stakes are high, but if you win, you get to look like an idiot in front of everyone around you. And isn't that what we all long for?

You're welcome. Merry Christmas.

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