Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So, we have a cockatiel. His name is Bruce, and he is 13 years old. Actually, he was my husband's before we got married and has lived with him, my parents, and both of us at various times in his life. He's a pretty happy traveler, but if he's unhappy with where you put him, he will scream non-stop, even if he's covered, until you re-locate his cage.

Right now, he's in the room where the computer and the treadmill are. It's warmer in there, and we spend a lot of time in there, so he seems to like it, but he comes out to wherever we are when he feels like it. 

Anyway, he's never been much of a talker. He imitates sounds, but only annoying ones. For instance, he does a mean imitation of the howling whiny bark that our cocker spaniel, Maddy, used to do. Which is kind of neat, because even though she's been gone for a few years, her, "someone is going to break in and hurt you and/or steal my toys" alert bark lives on.

He also knows a little whistle, and, most importantly, The Andy Griffith Show theme song, which he can do correctly, and then he gets way too excited and does this whole "Fantasia on Andy" type of thing. It's super creative.

When he's really happy (which is less often as he gets older and it's winter, because he is usually grumpier and sleepier in the winter) he will make these little clicking, cooing noise at me and tuck his head down and try to get me to come play.

This morning, however, I came in and sat down at the computer, and he did all of these things in a row, and then abruptly stopped. His eyes got all wide and he made a new sound that I haven't heard before. It took me like five minutes before I could figure it out (I have no life and, also, I'm pretty familiar with this guy…he hasn't made a new sound in ages), but when I did, I felt all proud inside.

My bird has now added the sound of the bathroom fan to his repertoire. Fantastic.

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