Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Okay. Now that it's actually happened and I've calmed myself a bit, I've thought of ten ways our government officials can move past this, set aside their disagreements, and get some stuff done. Ready? Here goes:

10. They could all go home and make dinner for their moms. That would be thoughtful and nice, plus, their moms would probably appreciate it even more than usual because they've heard so much crap all week about how much everybody hates their kids. I realize some of these people are too old to have moms they can make dinner for, so those guys should probably go make dinner for someone else's mom. Same principle.

9. They should go to their rooms and sit in front of a mirror and do an self-affirmation statement, Stuart Smalley style. Maybe if they get to the " enough..." part, they will feel empowered.

8. They should all get in a line and give each other back rubs à la high school choir. I think it's supposed to create a sense of community (even though all it made me think about was germs and how much I hate touching people I don't like).

7. They should get a big old TV and DVD player or Netflix or whatever and then watch "It's A Wonderful Life." They'll all have a good cry and be able to get down to work without those pesky pent-up emotions.

6. They should go to the mall and just have a big shopping day. It's therapeutic, and I think some of them haven't actually bought new clothes since the 80s's time. It really, really is.

5. They must have a gym for them, right? They should all go work out. All those endorphins and whatnot....could be helpful.

4. They should rent a bus, and take a field trip to the local Animal Humane Association and spend a day petting puppies and kitties. Come on. So much cute.

3. Someone should string up a volleyball net and they should have a tournament. I have never actually done this myself, but I see it in tampon commercials all the time, and it usually does the trick.

2. Julie Andrews should pop in with her guitar. I mean, it saved the von Trapp family, so why not? 

1. The best way of all....the way that will save the mom should go over there and make them all hug each other, say, "I love you," and hold hands until they've made up.

That one has a 100% success rating. Just ask my sister.

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