Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm glad to see you all survived last week. It was touch and go for a minute, there, but I made it too. I was injured, so I actually have an excuse for not regaling the world with my stories of hooligans and shenaninganery (it's a word because I say it is).

So I woke up last Sunday, after having a lovely evening out with friends, completely unable to lift my head. The pain was so intense I thought I was going to die. I have a bad neck, so I thought it was just a neck episode and it would better the next day.

Oh, no. It was not. It was actually worse after a day of rest. So I went to the doctor and got some Mega-Advil and muscle relaxers. So, that was pretty much my week last week. Neck pain and feeling like a space cadet. I was zoning out so bad I started to notice it and then zone out about zoning out. Yeah. 

So, anyhow, yesterday was my first day sans muscle relaxers and with only regular Advil, and it was okay. Not too bad. However, I went to get on the Wii (which, incidentally, was the culprit…yes, I injured myself with over-vigorous Wii boxing), and I found that, after a week with careful eating but no exercise, I had, in fact, gained 5 pounds.


If I knew that was going to happen, I would've just decided to throw in the towel and eaten what I wanted to eat while I was feeling like poo.

Therefore, I have come to the decision that I need to go back to counting calories until every last one of these pounds is gone. Yesterday was day one and it wasn't bad at all. I actually felt like I ate pretty much what I normally eat.

This does not bode well for future weigh-ins.

At this rate, I'm going to hit 300 pounds by my birthday.


There you go. The story of my week. Try to stay calm.

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