Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's been a craptastic few days up in here. Seriously. I kind of want to just to not exist for a while.

So my husband, who never gets sick, is now very, very sick, and I feel like I am going to barf all of the time. Just all of the time. I think I am going to the bathroom almost as much as he is and, get this: I HAVE NO INTEREST IN FOOD.


I forgot to eat for like half a day, until I realized that the dizziness and headache were probably due to the fact that I ate some salsa and chips right before the shizznit hit the fan and then nothing until way later. Too much later.

Which was probably fine, anyway, because it all comes right back out.

Nervous stomach sucks.

So what I hate the most, (besides the fact that my husband, who is probably the toughest guy I've ever met, and rolls around in the dirt and gets up on the roof and basically fixes everything on the planet, is now an uncomfortable ball of pain and fever) is going to the doctor and getting no relief for him. Just, "Well, let's try a new antibiotic and just wait it out."

Umm...yeah. Eff you. Wait it out? You try waking up drenched in your own sweat with a nagging headache and leg that feels like it's on fire, along with a constant fever. You just see how happy you are to wait that out.

And me? Well, I'm a big old crybaby mess, which just makes everything worse because he knows I'm a worrier and will just go cry in the bathroom about thirty times an hour.

My eyelids are so puffy I think people may start mistaking me for an iguana.

Which is ridiculous because I have to just take care of him. And I know doctors go to school and all and know what they're talking about, but this is my favorite person, here. And he's in pain.

So of course I'm writing about it because there's really nothing else to do. Just wait. And try not to Google his symptoms anymore, because that is just not doing anybody any good. Not at all.

I hate this week so much, and it's only Tuesday.

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